CloudLab Sales & Management GmbH

Show overview


CloudLab Sales & Management GmbH
Gerberstraße 1
DE-44135 Dortmund
+49 (0) 231-6000 17-56

Description CloudLab Sales & Management GmbH

CloudLab offers non-stop project development: Engineering, layout implementation, implementation of desired features, changes in workflow, as well as project management. Most of our national and international customers have their origin in the graphic industry.

Provider information

Founding year 2013
Total number of employees 60
Number of employees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Approx. 25 in Germany
Locations Dortmund, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Industry specialisation printQ is one of the most flexible standard software currently available for the online print industry. Both our software and our project development can be adjusted to match any requirement, any budget and any company size.
Founding year
Total number of employees
Number of employees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Approx. 25 in Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Industry specialisation
printQ is one of the most flexible standard software currently available for the online print industry. Both our software and our project development can be adjusted to match any requirement, any budget and any company size.

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