locr GmbH

Show overview


locr GmbH
Bültenweg 73
DE-38106 Braunschweig
+49 (0) 531/482693-0


Description locr GmbH

ocr was founded in 2006 as a supplier of data to the geo-photo community. Today, locr® is a leading provider of geomarketing services that let marketers use location to their advantage. locr takes data from leading geodata suppliers and converts it into geo-information services and personalized maps that can be used by marketers to enhance their mailing lists, create higher engagement, and achieve better response rates.

Provider information

Founding year 2006
Total number of employees  
Number of employees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland  
Industry specialisation  
Founding year
Total number of employees
Number of employees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Industry specialisation

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